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Choir: The Saint Andrew’s Choir provides an anthem for each 11:15 service from September through May, as well as special services throughout the year. The Saint Andrew’s Choir meets on Wednesdays from either 3 to 4 PM downstairs, or 7 to 8:00 the Music Room. All singers are welcome!
Can’t make a Wednesday rehearsal? Join the intergenerational Family Choir for the 9 a.m. service! They meet before the service to lead the singing at 9 a.m.
Bell Choir: The Bell Choir provides a way to make music by ringing rather than singing. The Bell Choir rehearses on Wednesdays from 6:00-7:00 p.m. – you’re welcome to come to pick up a pair of bells and play, or just to observe a rehearsal. It is a fun group to be with—no bell experience is necessary, and everyone is welcome!
Children: Our Children are invited to a time of Singing, upstairs, during the Sermon at the 9 AM Service, by following the Cross out and returning for the Announcements. They are also welcome to be part of the Family Choir at the 9 a.m. Service
Events: Our Director of Music encourages our members to take part in Diocesan events, such as the Diocesan Choral Festival, held yearly, and to sing with the Diocesan Council Choir and other choral opportunities. In addition, she is part of the Diocesan Music Camp team, leading a one-week residential Music Camp for Jr. High and High School musicians.
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