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Life Events
In the Episcopal Church we believe that in Holy Baptism we are adopted as God’s children, made members of the Christ’s Body the Church, and made inheritors of the Kingdom of God. At Saint Andrew’s baptisms are reserved for the First Sunday after the Epiphany, Last Sunday of Epiphany, Easter Sunday, the Day of Pentecost, Trinity Sunday, the Sunday closest to Holy Cross Day (September 14th), and All Saints’ Sunday.
Since Holy Baptism is of such importance parents and sponsors of a child for whom the sacrament is desired are required to attend a class on the meaning of baptism, their duties as parents and godparents, and responsibilities of church membership prior to the baptismal celebration. An adult who desires to be baptized is required to participate in the congregation’s confirmation class.
If you desire to receive the sacrament of Holy Baptism for yourself or for your child, please contact the church office for scheduling the baptism and the baptismal class.
By the sacramental rite of Confirmation, Christians join the company of Jesus’ apostles in the founding moment of the earliest Church when the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles at Pentecost and brought them to the full maturity of faith through Jesus Christ. For Episcopalians, Confirmation reaffirms all our commitments in Baptism as the final step to full membership in the Church. Confirmation is administered only by a Bishop acting as a direct successor of the original apostles, and thus is typically scheduled once each year on a date that can be accommodated by the Bishop’s schedule. Confirmation is always preceded by a series of Confirmation classes conducted by the Rector. Please contact the Church office (979-822-5176), or speak to the Rector, to find out when the next Confirmation date is scheduled and when Confirmation classes are offered. Any person already Confirmed by a Bishop of the Episcopal Church does not need to be Confirmed again to join Saint Andrew’s, but should notify our Church office of the previous Episcopal Church to which they belonged and authorize a Letter of Transfer to Saint Andrew’s.
Confirmation and Reception
Though Holy Baptism is full initiation into the church’s life at confirmation, baptized members of the Church express a mature commitment to Christ. Youth entering 8th grade or older are invited to consider being confirmed and receive the laying on of hands by a bishop. Those who desire to join The Episcopal Church and who have made a mature affirmation of faith in another Christian denomination may be received into The Episcopal Church by a bishop.
A Confirmation Class will be conducted in the weeks leading up to a bishop’s visit. Please contact the church office if you would like more information concerning when the Confirmation Class and bishop’s visit will occur.
First Communion
Though the Episcopal Church does not have a rite for the celebration of First Communion and all people baptized in the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are encouraged to receive communion regardless of age, instruction in the conduct of Holy Communion is provided as part of Saint Andrew’s children’s Christian Education program.
Thanksgiving for the Birth or Adoption of a Child
The birth or adoption of a child is a joyous event and Saint Andrew’s would like to support families after these occasions. Saint Andrew’s Cradle Roll ministry will also provide meals to assist the family during the first days and weeks at home. Please contact the church office after the birth or adoption of a child so Saint Andrew’s can help provide support during this time of joy and transition.
Holy Communion at Home for Members with Mobility Impairments
Lay Eucharistic Visitors are authorized to bring Holy Communion to members of Saint Andrew’s who cannot attend church due to mobility and other impairments.
Holy Matrimony
Holy Matrimony is the opportunity for a couple to have God’s blessing pronounced over them within the context of the Church’s liturgy. For more information about the sacrament of Holy Matrimony and weddings at Saint Andrew’s please contact the office.
Ministration to the Sick
In case of serious illness, hospitalization, or surgery please notify Father Hay. Ministration to the sick includes prayers for healing, and can also include, if desired, laying on of hands and anointing with holy oil. A Saint Andrew’s meal team will also provide meals after a member of the church returns home from a hospital stay.
Reconciliation of a Penitent
The Reconciliation of a Penitent is available for all who desire it. It is most commonly known as “Confession.” Those who repent of their sins may confess them to God in the presence of a priest, and receive the assurance of pardon and the grace of absolution. This rite is not required for members of The Episcopal Church. An old saying concerning it says, “Some should, none must, all may.” If you desire this rite please contact Father Hay to discuss it.
Holy Orders
In The Episcopal Church all members are called to represent Christ and minister in his name. Some members of the Church may perceive that God is calling them to minister in a new way which may or may not include serving the church as a priest or deacon. If a member of Saint Andrew’s perceives that God is calling them to a new ministry please contact Father Hay.
Ministry at the Time of Death
When a person is near death, the Rector of Saint Andrew’s should be notified, in order that the ministrations of the Church may be provided. Please contact Father Hay at the church during normal business hours or at home, after business hours.
The Burial of the Dead
The death of a member of Saint Andrew’s should be reported as soon as possible to, and arrangements for the funeral should be made in consultation with, the Rector of the Church. Upon the death of a member of Saint Andrew’s family members are encouraged to contact Father Hay at the church during normal business hours, or at home, after business hours. For more information about funerals at Saint Andrew’s, or the columbarium at Saint Andrew’s, please see the information/links below, or contact the church office.
Funeral Planning form and Funeral Customary
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