The Beloved Community is one that is loved by Jesus and one in which the individuals within the community love one another. It is a community characterized by such values as love, service, faith, justice, and hope and is fundamentally about reconciliation, the healing of relationships, and the creation of a loving community. This begins with the Church Universal. It also begins at Saint Andrew’s Episcopal Church, Bryan, Texas. We are one of the means by which and through which God is building the Beloved Community. We are to be a sign to others that this is what God is doing among the entire human community. The whole human community is beloved by God because all people have been made in God’s image.
We, as followers of Jesus Christ, uphold and put into practice the values of love, service, faith, justice, and hope not just for ourselves, but so that the neighborhoods and communities we are in may uphold and practice them as well. We are the yeast which leavens the entire loaf. We are the lamp on the lamp stand. We are the city set on a hill to shine light upon what God is doing among us and around us.If you would like to learn more about Saint Andrew’s and how God is working in our life, and in yours, please come worship with us. I look forward to getting to know you and connecting you with Saint Andrew’s life and ministry.
Daryl T. Hay +Rector
Parish Contact Information: 217 W. 26th Street, Bryan, 77803
Office Hours: Tue-Fri, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
Phone: (979) 822-5176
E-mail: rector@standrewsbcs.org
Website: https://www.standrewsbcs.org/
Facebook: facebook.com/saintandrewsbcs
Twitter: @StAndrewsBCSI
Instagram: @StAndrewsBCS
Remind: Text “@standrews2” to the number 81010.